Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Merry-go-round

I have been writing in a journal since school started. I found it more relaxing and reflective to do it in a book rather than on my computer. Tonight I happened to think I should start back up on here, so here I am.
Right now I am working on getting MAT homework done before I get insanely busy. The week of our next classes I also have the opening of my show Doubt at Eastern. It will be a delicate balance but I am really looking forward to both, the classes and the show. Luckily the people I am involved with in the show are being very understanding about the MAT program being my #1 and the show a close #2, its been working out great and its a good outlet to have after an intense day at school.
I hope everyone is enjoying their placements; the classes, the students, the exhaustion, the teaching, the learning.....all of it!!
I Would love to know what people have been doing as an outlet in their personal lives outside of school?? I have found that doing things like biking, painting, cooking, watching a Movie!!! to be treasured time as well as my time at school is also treasured as an amazing opportunity to learn from all time spent there even if its walking the halls, or going to a pep assembly, and of coarse the opportunities to teach. It is an interesting and delicate balance keep these to parts of your life balanced and both thriving. Hope people are finding ways!!
Take Care

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